Intro by Aiden


My name is Aiden and I’m here at the second workshop for ‘Exploring Digital Heritage’ unit at UC, although it’s the first workshop for me as I missed week one due to the usual excuses (work/sleep/not work). I’m excited for this unit, for two reasons; first is that I’m doing the Conservation and Heritage degree, and find topics of the field fascinating, and second is that this is my final unit before graduating!!!

The workshop has been good so far. Introduction to Zooniverse was great. Zooniverse is a website dedicated to crowd-sourcing various projects to make use of a small amount of various peoples time and effort, to create something much greater. There a few projects to choose from, and I selected Science Gossip to try out. Science Gossip is dedicated to annotating images found in scientific journals of the Victorian era. I found the process really simple and easy to do, while really intriguing. I think the compelling feeling to continue to add to a crowd-sourcing project like Science Gossip is the unknown possibilities; the next page I request could feature anything! I think I will log in at home and give Zooniverse another go.

Anyway, time’s up, back to the workshop.


