Week 12 Reflection

As far as class went this week I spent a great deal just trying to finalise my tools for my website. This unit provided me with a surprising amount of techniques used to collect and display data. This definitely made the choices I made for my final assignment more simple.

I’ve definitely enjoyed this unit this semester. The way that we were allowed to slowly learn skills and build on them each week made in useful when I was learning new techniques like GIF making and 3D Modelling.

The three questions that we were asked to dwell on really drove home the point that the techniques that we learned in this unit are likely to become more prominent. As the future of cultural heritage continues to expand, it is our job as future conservators and heritage associates to grow with it. Many of the implications for the tools that we have explored in this unit, or used in our assignments have barely begun to be explored. This unit has really helped to open my mind in terms of some of the different ways that technology can be used to assist and identify different heritage processes. I must admit that digital record keeping is a part of the heritage sector that I will hopefully continue to have an interest in, if only to see the new and wonderful ways that technology can be used for heritage collections.



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